Monday, August 9, 2010

Progress is Wonderful

Dear Family and Friends,

Hello everybody! :) I'm doing fabulous! so no worries there. i love emails :) hehe....Well its been a interesting week. not much has happened. :( Mbasa isn't progressing anymore, he hasn't been keeping his appointments and his parents are more concerned about his school studies at the moment so they asked us to only see him on weekends if Mbasa doesn't say during the week. so its sad but we'll continue to work with him and his bro. now Abongile on the other hand is doing quite well :) makes my day when we go see her and teach her and she understands and is very excited about her Baptism on the 28th. So she is one of the elect investigators! :) she was definitely prepared. her mother hasn't changed so yeah. but thank you for the prayers continue to do so please.

Interviews were on Tuesday. They were great! :) president is such a great leader and Priesthood holder. he knows what hes doing and i respect him for it greatly. I told him how it is and that "my work is not yet finished in this area and that i want to stay and see my investigators baptized" haha he just said " well i'll certainly commission it with the Lord" ha thats president Probst for ya big time. haha. he has seen the progress in me and sees that i have brought fire to my old companion, Elder Diphala. So he'd love to keep me here i think but its what the Lord wants not me and not President. We also had a mini zone conference before interviews and Pres and Sis Probst informed us that the mission is changing. New ways of teaching are going to be in full activity by Jan of next year. so we get 4 days of training before the new year so we will all be on the same page as the new missionaries that will be coming in. so more training and council. gunna be fun..... well it should be ok i guess we will see what happens. oh and now we will only have interviews and zone conference every 3 months instead of every transfer. i'm not very happy about that but yeah. So our mission is one of the biggest in the world i think. well geographically anyway. so our first 2 training days will be in September sometime and then we will have the other 2 later on. I guess they have already done the training in Namibia and Pres was looking at the difference and its nice. so yeah fun stuff.

but other than that it was an ok week. Been trying to sit down with some good families to teach but haven't been able to do that yet. the families are always too busy, or so they say. So we will continue to work smart and get these families taught and more investigators..

My companion, Elder Diphala is now 22 months on mission. so yeah he is going home at the end of september/beginning of october. Transfers are the 19th of this month so i will either be here or somewhere else when i get my package...on that note i really don't know what i want. as i mentioned before i would like Campbell's soup and good vegetable soup haha more spuds would be nice. :) ok my comp says he would like "anything that a 22 month old missionary would like" his exact words haha so don't blame me! a cool lookin tie would be nice for me. :) a light blue one! ummmm i don't know what else. Reese's, M&Ms (Peanut butter and Peanut) i'm not picky when it comes to this! anything! :) oh and more about him his parents aren't members just him and his younger sister. He is 27 years old, studied law before he came on mission... likes soccer....

Well i love you all and am so grateful for your love and support! :) The church is True the Book is Blue :) have a good week.

Your South African Missionary,
Elder Robert S. Rigby (CTM)

PS oh! members always ask me if i have sweets. (aka candy) so the hard candy is the best for them its something that you could send. tic tacs haha they like those. and others of course.... and oh my sick is just an expression like wow or amazement or shocked. YSA- young single adults yeah we don't have that back home cause there aren't enough of them to have a class.

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