Hallo! :) How is everybody in the cold and wet Idaho? haha sucks for all of you who have to deal with that! i am enjoying the sun and the cooler days. its getting kinda chilly at night when the sun goes down, oh krista i loved your best two years quote haha we haven't been having rain just sun and wind. Had a big smoke overcast the other day, saturday after conference. i guess the mountain bottom weed burning went out of control and homes were burned over in somerset west. so it was a brownish sky this weekend. its cleared up now. "blue skies are shining on me, nothing but blue birds all day long" do you know that song dad? its a barbershop song. the week was alright we were really bold with a few of our investigators and asked them what they expected from us and what not. Rose, just basically couldn't answer us and said that we could come if appointments fall through, so i guess she basically just wanted us to come have bible study with her. We then were bold and said that is not why we were there and told her our purpose as missionaries. it was fun haha. my companion and i are tired of all these not serious investigators so this week we focused on telling them our purpose and everything. Rose then said ok well i'm comfortable where i am fellowshipping but i would like to know more.
Bro Burger on the other hand was not so nice. we have seen him 3 or 4 times and he still doesn't accept the Book of Mormon as Scripture. he doesn't believe that the Priesthood was lost and says that we are going to waste his time. so we did everything we could with him so he still has the Book of Mormon and said that he would still read and pray about it. Its dumb to think that most of our investigators are looking for "signs" to their answers, but little do they know that the Spirit doesn't always work that way. We of course explain to them but i really don't think they understand. its irritating!
Speaking of Conference :) YO! i loved it haha. Especially President Monson's talk on temples. i miss the temple. I also enjoyed Elder Scotts talk on eternal families. it was sweet to see him speak about his dear wife and family. the words of " dad, i love you, your my best friend" struck my heart :) the wonderful comforter was definitely there with me. that was the most spiritual experience of the week. I also thought Elder Henry B Eyring's talk was good too about the Teton Dam and how one couple lost their own home because they were helping others and then when they found that out they went to the bishop and said what do you want us to do. touching experiences. :) didn't get the chance to watch the priesthood session yet. i think the branch wants to make a priesthood activity out of it later in the month i'm not sure. i'm disappointed that we didn't watch it when we were supposed to. but oh well i read it if i don't get to watch it.
We had a really nice experience with Andre Abrahams on wednesday. He asked us what makes us different from all the other churches. SO we explained about the lack of authority in all the other churches and went back to the restoration. we also watched Elder Packers talk from April conference 2010. it was fabulous. he really understood how the authority was brought back and how we now have it in the church and most importantly it presides in the family he really liked how Elder Packer focused on the family. He is progressing. hasn't made it to church yet tho..:(
Well the mountain that the picture of me is table mountain. thats when we climbed it last transfer. cool huh? :) i liked it too. yes i was contemplating hehe. great spot to do so :) Well i love you all and hope things start to dry out soon so dad and russ can get the crops in. when are you branding the calves?
Well loves to ya all!
Elder Robert S Rigby (SACTM)
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