Good day! Muhandend? (how are you?) Good! glad to hear it :) well I'm doing good had a slowish week but hey thats what happens in the work of the Lord sometimes. you can't complain. we had a big rain storm on tuesday and Wednesday. so that should've been here a long time ago but winter isn't what i expected in cape town this year. stupid global warming i guess. I'm glad i have car and not out walking in the rain. now its sunny and warm again, interesting weather you might say.
We had the confirmations on sunday! :) Elder Sutherland confirmed Levus, Bro david Craig, young mens president, confirmed J.J. and i confirmed Candida. it was very nice and oh you should of seen the smile and the "light" in their faces after we were done! it was great! i definitely saw the Spirit in them. its such a wonderful gift Heavenly Father has given us to help us stay on the path that leads us back to HIM. I love missionary work :) it pays off when you have a baptism and a confirmation and you see the happiness that comes to them after. the gospel of Jesus Christ is the key to happiness! :)
Jacob and Pumla are doing well, they came to church on sunday but were a bit late, they missed the sacrament again. they always miss it. and thats the most spiritual part of church! we'll work on that. Pumla wasn't feeling well tho but she still came. i think Jacob made her come haha. we had a nice fast and testimony meeting and then gospel principles was on sacrifice, i taught the class we had about 8 people in the class, so decent size. and then priesthood was on home teaching and the way we are supposed to use our priesthood every day or at least every week. the question was asked, how much do we use our priesthood?? its a very good question that all of us need to ponder about and consider improving. God has given us this power to serve our fellow men and improve the world. it was a great lesson. but back to jacob and pumla! hehe we saw them on tuesday and went over L3 with them we read the pamphlet with them and pumlas understanding is improving very well! i got her a Xhosa Book of Mormon so hopefully she will read everyday!
We got a referral from the missionaries in mitchells plain on thursday, Eugene. He is 33 and struggles with drugs but he really wants to change his life. he came to church yesterday and he had been in mitchells plain a few times as well. he wants to get baptized and he has read the Book of Mormon alot. he reads the scriptures a lot. he reads 2 chapters of the old and new testament and then also reads a chapter or 2 in the Book of Mormon. which is incredible! i have never met someone that is so dedicated to reading everyday. haha. so we are going to work with him as much as possible and get him off drugs and help change his life. he's very sincere. he has a 7yr old son Colby. they both came yesterday. i think they liked it. he stays in brooklyn with his parents now to help him. cool guy.
Got another referral from our zone leaders, Bukeke. she is 26 originally from queenstown. her mother is a member and well thats how we found her i guess. she wants to learn but goes to her own church and teaches the kids there, she loves kids. we can only see her on weekends since she works at standard bank during the week and doesn't get home till late and is tired so weekends are the only time for the time being. she has really good potential. she stays in summergreens with her niece who is a member that just came from queenstown, she is 12. and then she also stays with cousins. most of her family are in PE tho. very nice lady. we taught her the Restoration on saturday. and she committed to be baptized, we hope to give her a date next saturday.
check kinda dropped us this past wednesday. he did some research and got advice from his family and he doesn't want to make problems in his family with him going to one church and his family going to the anglican faith. we tried to resolve his concern but he didn't want to change his mind. We asked him if he had read the Book of Mormon and of course he said no. so we committed him to read and pray about it and then we would follow up with him in a few weeks. the Book of Mormon is the key to knowing if what we have is true! there is no doubt about it! i love the Book of Mormon its such a powerful tool in missionary work!
We saw elijah this week, we just read with him from the Book of Mormon and he told us that in a few months he will be having weekends off so he'll be able to come to church, which is exciting i just hope it happens. We also saw the mockys (LA) on wednesday evening. did you know that you can make chocolate cake in 2 minutes!? haha i didn't know that but yes you can! haha you just put the ingredients in a mug or a glass bowl and put it in the microwave till its puffed up haha i thought that was cool! it tasted pretty good too. not too shabby. yeah thats what the mockys teach us when we are at their home. haha Morgan also showed us how you can make mac and cheese in 20 min in the micro wave as well haha. funny guy, he loves his microwave! of course i would too if i was a single dad with 2 boys and i work all day and then don't come home till after 6 and then have to make dinner. we have good times at the mockys!
we had a wonderful DA at the mthembus last night. we had sheppards pie! :) and apple juice it was very yummy. i feel at home when i'm in their home, i don't know why. they are such an awesome and caring family. Martin just needs to come to church. they just had their baby 3 weeks ago and is such the cutest little thing. i love that family. always have wonderful laughs when were there. martin was actually asking me if i was going to come back with my wife in the future to visit. I told him i would love to but i don't know if it would be possible. they even offered for us to stay with them if i ever do make it back. so there is definitely love in that home :)
So thats basically my week for you! :) we do have people to teach and share our testimonies with thats for sure. and the Lord has blessed us with the referrals so i am very grateful for that. I love you all and i hope everyone is well. have a great fantabulous week everyone! i love you!
your missionary,
Elder Robert S Rigby (SACTM)
ps i was in port alfred branch when i was in port alfred. there is only the small mission branch there. good people tho! only 2 missionaries there now. and a new senior couple to be the branch president. the robinsons there were assigned to the joburg mission but then they came here instead because of the lack of couple missionaries in sactm.
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