Elder Rigby and Elder Diphala
Hey Everyone!!
Molo! :) How is everyone doing? I'm doing alright! no complaints as far as i know of hehe. Mission is good for the most part. Glad to hear the grain is finally getting harvested. :) hear its spud harvest, thats crazy how time is flying by yo! feels like its still march or something. I'm getting old on mission haha. fun stuff tho haha. So its been an alright week not much has happening on this side. Still the same old same old. Comp is "dying" strong which is good i thought he would be trunky by now but he's not haha. i asked him why and he said its probably cause he is still in his same country and not too far from home. which makes since but he is very happy to see his family and to go home. Hes gunna miss mission tho, its been implanted in his brain for 2 years and now it comes to an end all of the sudden. But it really doesn't cause every member is a missionary and now his mother and father are investigating the church. I told him to go home and harvest them haha. he agreed :) what a marvelous blessing it is to be a missionary and have the blessings come to our families back home. So have you guys seen any blessings come since I've been absent? The Lord does bless our lives as we strive to live the principles of the gospel.
This week we had 2 investigators at church! YAY! haha Abongile and Siviwe. its was wonderful to see Siviwe there. He has come in the past years but he hasn't been able to since he started school and now works on weekends to help him with transport to school during the week. but since school is out for 2 weeks he was able to work during the week and now can come on Sunday for 2 weeks. its good. I asked him afterward how he liked it and he said it reminded him of old times. he wants to be baptized. but hes schedule just makes it hectic for him to come to church regularly... Abongile always enjoys church haha. Her mother is still the same. although she did sit on in the lesson on Wednesday evening. She asked some good questions but still doesn't accept it. after we left i guess she said some pretty intense things to Abongile. Like, that she thinks we are just trying to get membership and that our church is foney. i was kinda shocked when Abongile told me at church yesterday. So i told her to not give up and let the Lord soften her heart and prepare her. Told her to continue to read, pray and come to church. She is very sad that she can't get baptized yet. I'm sad! but nothing we can really do till she is approved by her mother. or till she is 21. which is a long time from now
We had another baptism for Cwaytia on Saturday! another person i started teaching in NU-15. so my work did not go to shame haha. it was combined with ward 2 they had 2 sisters getting baptized it was a nice service. We had a really good Sunday attendance yesterday. Lots of people came it was awesome! the less active families are starting to show up again. :) made me very happy. This ward needs families to come back and improve the ward. So things are happening in the ward, finally! I had a nice chat with our presiding Elder. Bro Kuviwe Mahlangabeza. He also sees the things starting to happen. home teaching is very important and visiting teaching. thats what takes care of the members. Lots of times people go less active cause they don't have their home teachers come to visit and so they feel neglected. but its starting to get better. and getting a good Bishop will make things even more better. So i hope Pres Bell is finding a suitable Bishop and will him soon.
Well i love you all and miss you. I hope you have a good week and i hope things get better with harvest. Hows everyone else? I know the church is true. i know my Father in Heaven loves me and i know that Christ is my Savior and that he lives and loves us. I'm so grateful for the love and comfort i feel from the Holy Ghost in my life as i serve my Father. I'm grateful to be a missionary in this beautiful land of South Africa. Its where i need to be :)
Your missionary,
Elder Robert S Rigby (CTM)