Dear Family and Friends,
Hey! Its a sunny day today compared to the cloudy/foggy days we have had this past week. Sat and Sun were very foggy. Couldn't even see table mountain at all. crazy stuff. I'm enjoying being next the the ocean :) even if it is the Atlantic and we have a nice coldish breeze come every day. its all good it reminds me of home haha. The view of table mountain is really nice, on days that you can see it clearly of course. Pres told me that everyone wants to come here to milnerton just because of the view :) so i'm special i guess. Had interviews with pres on wednesday it was very nice to talk to him. we talked a bit about Elder Zulu and what i've learned and how i felt and so forth, then he also asked a question, When was the last time you went to the temple. i said 16 months ago. he then said well it takes an hour and a half to go through a session so, take that time at least once every month and take your self to the temple Sitting and thinking about the whole session and pondering about it he told us we could literally see ourselves checking in at the desk and then walking in and putting our temple clothes on and so forth. i thought that was cool, but its going to be very difficult for me to do that, i get bored just sitting at my desk thinking for that long. so i'll have to work on that. Pres and Sis Probst are preparing to go home. its been 3 years. Sister Probst was talking to us while each others comps were in with pres and she was saying how she hasn't seen grandchildren yet and that she is really excited for it. I would be too haha. but i don't know what i would do without the Probsts :)
We had good teaching opportunities as always this week. We've been visiting less active members this past week as well as our investigators. On Monday we had a very wonderful FHE with the Mthembu family. just a family of 3. The Husband, Martin is originally from Lepompo and served his mission here in cape town. So now he lives here with his wife jacky and they have a little girl about 2 years and expecting another in 2 months. SO exciting for them. Bro martin is less active but he knows everything is true, i think he just has a problem with past offense or has leadership problems. that seems to be the case everywhere in cape town. members don't like the bishop or don't like someone in leadership so they get offended and go less active. its stupid! we are supposed to sustain our leaders. he is a wonderful guy and has a great family we had a wonderful evening with them. i gave the lesson, it was about using the Book of Mormon in answering questions that we get from non members. they came up with questions that they have gotten like, are we Christians? and what is this Bible that you use? so i challenged them to find a reference using the Book of Mormon :) it was fun. they came up with some good ones. they also fed us :) oh it was yummy rice and curry. i need to learn to make that so i can make it at home.
Tuesday and Wednesday we had a few appointments and then visited members to build relationships and get them to do missionary work. We saw Tientus a few times this week. He is doing really good, at church every sunday. We finally got him a french Book of Mormon and when i gave it to him he just smiled and said oh! he was happy. We also taught him about following the prophet and being obedient to our Heavenly Father. We watched a talk by Pres Monson from April 2010 conference, "He is risen" its a really good one. then on friday we taught him about prayer and scripture study now that he has his copy to read and he can understand. he had a question about what we learned in gospel principles class last week, we spoke about covenants. he really didn't understand on sunday but then we explained to him better in his home and he understood. he just needs to continue to read and pray and get the answer to his prayers on our message and then he will be ready to be baptized on 12 june.
We've started teaching a new lady named Caroline. She is originally from Transky in the eastern cape. xhosa lady. She has been going through some tuff times i guess and she asked us if we gave counseling, we asked what type of counseling and then she replied, marriage. of course we said no but then said that we knew someone who is just perfect for that. Christ and the Bishop. :) so we talked about the Atonement and then came back on Friday and taught her the Gospel of Jesus Christ. she accepted the invitation to be baptized we even gave her a date of 10 july So i hope things go well for her and that she makes it to church next week. She is married and has 2 children a boy about 6 and then a baby girl. the husband really wasn't interested when we were there.
We visited Vicky this week. managed to see her on Tuesday and Thursday evening. she is doing better, didn't run away from us this past week haha. she didn't read, but she prays every day. We followed up on that and then decided that we should just start from the beginning and we watched the restoration dvd and then read with her from the Book of Mormon. She has a daughter, 18 yrs, doing her Matric this year. and her exams were this past week, she wanted us to give her a blessing that she would pass. So i gave the blessing and well the Spirit just kind of took the words out of my mouth. i really don't remember what i said but i remember the feeling and the comfort which i had and i sure hope Lauren felt it. it was nice. Vicky is one of those investigators who promises to come to church and then doesn't show. yes mom i know i was the same way haha. i have been to church every sunday the past 16 months. so i think i learned my lesson. i love church.
Jacob and pumla are doing good. they haven't made it to church yet either. they have a date for the 26 june but they need to make it to church. jacob is from Burundi and Pumla is from East London, i think. not sure how they met haha. a great couple, they actually stay with members that are less active that come from Zim. haven't gotten the surname of the family yet. still learning themselves haha. but they are progressing.
Bro Kitchings, a less active, has been for 8 years out of the 16 he has been a member. He just recently got divorced and is left with the 4 kids. I feel really sorry for him and wish things will get better for him. he is a great guy, knows everything is true but admits that he hasn't been to church for a very long time. don't know why yet. i think its because he doesn't have very much support from his family. his wife is a member but just left him because she decided that partying was better than raising a family. the oldest is 18 and the youngest is 4. so i really feel for Bro Sean. and to top it off his home just flooded last week and the ceiling was literally on the floor so hes been busy getting his house back in order as well. he is a plumber and loves baseball he and 2 of his sons started up a league here in cape town. i thought that was pretty cool. base ball really isn't big here. just starting. its all cricket and soccer and rugby.
Well that was pretty much the week, it was a good one i think. taught the people of south africa the gospel and built relationships with members. Oh bro Piert Mayburg, the guy who lived in Idaho for 6 years, he was a builder there and now he is a farmer and also a builder. he drives 150ks everyday to get to work. and then back. so 300 ks everyday. thats alot of fuel. but they also come to church every sunday. its cool. They are a great family. i want to visit his farm but we aren't allowed cause its too far. :( oh well.
well i love you guys! i hope everything is good and well :) express my love to everyone for me back in idaho
your missionary,
Elder Robert S Rigby SACTM
PS haven't sent the sd card yet kind of forgot my bad.
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